
Organic Moringa Tablets 600mg

Each tablet contains 600mg organically produced Moringa leaf powder.


Organic Moringa Tablets 600mg



A common phrase that often crops up when talking about moringa, is “the tree of life”. The moringa tree contains various vitamins and minerals, which is why it is also classified as a “superfood”.

The Moringa tree, however, contains such concentrations of these vitamins and minerals that it just completely outshines other so-called “superfoods”.

What are moringa tablets?

Moringa tablets are a way to consume moringa powder in pill form. The moringa leaf powder can be bitter, and therefore some find it difficult to consume moringa in its powder form. 

You can often find moringa in the form of tablets, in order to make consumption easier. 

Moringa tablets benefits

So, the hype around moringa tablets have probably reached you by now, otherwise why else would you be looking at this product? You also probably have some hipster cousin who’s really into moringa, which makes you cautious of its true effectiveness. 

However, once you see the benefits, and even the studies on moringa, you may just jump on over to our shop section and get some for yourself! 

Moringa contains the following vitamins and minerals: 

  • vitamin A, B1, B2 and B3. 
  • Vitamin C
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Calcium and more! 

What does this mean? Here’s what moringa can do for your body. 

Benefits of moringa tablets

Improves the health of your hair and skin

Using moringa oil on your hair and skin can have great benefits. It contains proteins, that can help nourish the skin. Additionally, it can help to keep your hair healthy. 

Can help prevent cancer

It’s true! The moringa tree has anticancer properties that could help reduce the risk of cancer. Don’t believe us? Check out this interesting study. 

Can help treat stomach issues

Moringa contains antibacterial and antibiotic properties, which makes it suitable to treat some digestive problems.

Can improve bone health

We all know calcium is important for healthy bones, but did you know that it contains four times more calcium than is found in milk? Now, that’s impressive! This means that moringa is a treatment for arthritis. 

Can impact hormones positively 

Moringa is said to have a positive impact on mood disorders, such as depression, and anxiety. Furthermore, menopausal women using moringa tablets have seen an improvement in their symptoms. These women have reported reduced symptoms of hot flashes, and better sleep. 

Moringa keeps your heart healthy

Moringa powder contains antioxidants that are said to protect the cardiovascular system. Therefore, this means that moringa can help keep your heart healthy. 


For all your big questions on Moringa Tablets, have a look at these questions and answers: 

What is moringa pills good for?

Moringa pills are good for the treatment and prevention of a variety of diseases and issues, such as cancer, cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis and much more. 

Is it safe to take moringa daily?

Yes, in fact, in order to reap the benefits of using moringa, you need a daily intake of at least one teaspoon. However, it is safe to increase the amount a little. 

When should I take moringa tablets?

It depends on your needs. Moringa can have energetic effects, which would benefit you most by taking it in the morning, or even in the afternoon. Some even take it at night, to improve sleep. 

Are morning tablets safe to take?

Yes, moringa tablets are safe to consume. 

Don’t take our word for it!

Studies on the properties and benefits of the moringa tree have been done before, and are becoming more common. You can find reputable sources telling you exactly what we did, that it’s something you really should be taking. 

We believe in investing in health. With the rise in popularity for Moringa, prices tend to rise, however, we believe in giving affordable healthcare solutions so that you can live life to the fullest. 

Are you ready to order? 

???? Directions for use of Moringa Tablets

– 5 x tablets in the morning
– 2 x tablets in the afternoon
– 2x tablets in the evening

Additional information

Weight 0.06 kg
Dimensions 42 × 32 × 12 cm


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