
Did you know that Moringa can help to improve your sleep? Now, you may be wondering how that is possible since Moringa also gives you a boost of energy. This doesn’t make sense, right? But it’s true! So, let’s have a look at whether you can take Moringa at night. 

In this article, we explore sleep, and how Moringa contributes to a good night’s rest. 

The basics of sleep

You may not know this, but your body is actually very active during sleep. It’s just active in a different way than it is during the day. 

Have you ever felt moody and after taking a nap, you feel a bit better? 

Well, sleep is a powerful healer of the body and mind. 

Here’s what happens during sleep: 

How poor sleep affects health

If you regularly experience poor sleep, then you may be at risk for more serious health conditions. Poor sleep has been connected with a lower life expectancy, as well as diabetes, obesity and even heart disease. 

Poor sleep or not enough sleep can also have the following effects: 

Factors that disrupt sleep

There are various things that can influence the quality of sleep. 

The sleep environment

The general environment when you go to sleep should be comfortable and dark. Sleeping on clean sheets, as well as sleeping in a room that’s not too hot or cold, can greatly add to a good night’s rest. 

Avoid blue lights

Blue lights from screens, such as your TV and cellphone can enhance alertness. This can cause sleeplessness. All screens should be switched off a few hours before bedtime. 

Your sleep schedule 

Having an irregular sleeping schedule also has a negative effect on the quality of your sleep. We are creatures of habit, so try to create a routine in which you will be able to rest and have quality sleep. 


Caffeine is usually taken to energise and help you feel more productive and alert. Try to stay away from coffee or other sources of caffeine a few hours before bedtime. 


Just like some medicine can make you drowsy, others can make you want to go to the bathroom more frequently. This can disrupt your sleep, as you may have to get up more frequently at night to go to the bathroom.  

How moringa can help you sleep at night

Taking moringa for better sleep can be seen as a more holistic approach. As we have seen, moringa will not make you drowsy or relaxed, but the nutrients that it contains will contribute to having better quality sleep. 

Here’s a few ways how: 

Moringa helps to regulate blood sugar levels: 

Did you know that irregular blood sugar levels can influence your sleep? Because moringa helps to regulate blood sugar, it also contributes to better sleep. 

Moringa is known to reduce inflammation: 

Inflammation disrupts the sleeping centres of your brain, which is why you may not feel rested after sleeping. Inflammation especially influences your REM sleep or deep sleep. Therefore, taking moringa can increase the quality of sleep by reducing inflammation. 

Moringa at night helps with stress and anxiety: 

Stress and anxiety can cause sleeplessness or poor quality sleep. Moringa helps to relieve stress and anxiety and therefore contributes to having better sleep. 

Therefore, taking moringa at night can help you to sleep better.

People also ask:

What is the best time of day to take moringa?

Well… you can decide for yourself. 

Moringa does not make you drowsy or lower your energy levels. It does, however, enhance your overall sleep quality in other ways. Moringa can boost your energy levels though, so keep that in mind when you make your decision. 

What we recommend is to take Moringa when you know you’ll be needing it most. That’s why most people prefer to take it in the morning – to get your body ready to seize the day! 

How long does it take for moringa to start working?

Like everything in life, moringa takes a while to work its magic. Taking moringa daily will have you feeling more energised and healthier, but you need to give it at least a month before giving up on it. 

What is the best way to take moringa?

As long as you take it, you can choose what suits best with your lifestyle and preferences. 

Some prefer to take the capsules and then not have to worry about it for the rest of the day.  Others may work powder into their food, in the form of smoothies, or even make tea with the leaves. 

There are various ways to add moringa and the best way for you may not suit the next person. Experiment with it and find what you like. 

Now, go out and enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life with Bellamora Moringa!

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